our services

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    TEAMA is an independent visual effects studio founded in 2020. Our artists have a huge experience working in hundreds of music videos, commercials, and films in the best VFX companies in Ukraine.

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    We work on each project with an individual approach and give all our best at every stage of its implementation - from tests and concepts to the final delivery.

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    We provide such services as compositing, clean up, beauty retouch, matte painting, editing 360 videos, color grading, 3d modeling, simulation, and animation, etc.

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    Our main goal is to bring creativity in each shot and share positive experiences between us and the client.

our works

Flipperachi - T.N.F.S تنفس - فلبراتشي

compositing clean up roto color correction


Vessbroz, Mark Voss Feat. Michelle Montezeri - In The Dark (360 Official Video)

vr360 video editing clean up color correction modeling animation compositing edit smoke simulation keying/roto


AVK Trueffle Escalator

compositing clean up keying/roto


Trueffle. Made right.

compositing clean up keying/roto


Earth in The space

3d compositing full cg modeling animation crowd simulation fire simulation explosion simulation rain simulation hair simulation smoke simulation water simulation grains simulation edit compositing color grading sound design



full cg modeling animation crowd simulation fire simulation explosion simulation rain simulation hair simulation smoke simulation water simulation grains simulation edit compositing color grading sound design


Inner Sanctum - Tainted Soils | OFFICIAL 360 DEGREE JAM VIDEO

vr360 stiching video editing clean up color correction


our team

Oleksiy Sauliak

Oleksiy Sauliak

About Me

I started in the IT industry and in 2014 started creating visual effects.

I always follow new technologies and try to apply them in my work.

I’m more of a technical expert who will always find a solution to a particular problem.

My main skills

VR, AR, AI, compositing, beauty work, camera mapping, camera tracking and clean-up.

You can see some of the projects I’ve been involved in here: imbd

Roman Sauliak

Roman Sauliak

About Me

I have been working in the VFX industry for over 8 years. I mainly do compositing and 3D simulations.

Previously, I worked at “Raketa Film” and “Gloria FX” studios, supervised over 150 successful projects.

I constantly learn something new and try to bring something special to everything I do.

In my free time, I ride on boards, shoot and edit extreme videos and make vlogs for YouTube channel.

You can see some of the projects I’ve been involved in here: imbd

Slava Bunich

Slava Bunich

About Me

I worked for 5 years as a videographer.

Since 2017, I have been working in the VFX industry.

I mainly focus on editing, color grading, compositing and 3D modeling.

Previously, I worked for Gloria FX.

I try to do qualitatively everything that I do.

I like to create with my own hands, Also I like to ride bicycles and boards.


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